Srikalahasti temple in Rajagopuram crashed on yesterday (because of government )

500 years old Rajagopuram built by the Vijayanagara emperor Sri Krishna Devaraya in Srikalahasti temple collapsed late on Wednesday evening, creating panic among the local. Main temple at Srikalahasti was not affected by the collapse of the 135-feet gopuram. Witnesses said a huge structure from the top of the gopuram fell on the ground with a huge thud at 8.05 pm. Within a minute the whole structure collapsed and turned into a pile of rubble.
Though local people said they saw two security guards sitting under the gopuram, it is not certain whether there has been loss of life. Two women last seen in the spot were yet to return home. There are also reports that more than 200 monkeys could have been buried in the debris.
Nearby shopkeepers had noticed a huge crack extending from the bottom to the top of the gopuram during the last three days. It is believed that the rains that followed Cyclone Laila further weakened its structure. Terming the collapse a bad omen, women all over the town two lamps (pramidhas) in front of their houses. Some agama pundits seconded the view. But for most of the populace, the collapse of the gopuram was more of a sad event. At a time when the entire state is celebrating the 500th coronation year of the emperor, his dream structure has been dashed to pieces.