Reactions of leaders on kasab death sentence

Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab has been awarded the death sentence by the 26/11 trial court on four counts. He has also been given a life term on five counts. Below are some reactions to his sentence:
Veerappa Moily:
Reacting to the death sentence for Kasab, Law Minister Veerappa Moily told NDTV, "This is absolutely a message for Pakistan. Pakistan cannot meddle with the lives...of the property of India. And if any terrorists are encouraged by them, they should know that they will meet with the same fate."
S M Krishna:
External Affairs Minister S M Krishna said the trial and sentence awarded to Kasab sends a message to Pakistan that justice will be meted out to anyone waging war against this country. "I think the judge has come to the most appropriate conclusion which could send a positive message that anyone who wants to wage a war against India is caught and after going through a fair trial, he will find that justice will be meted out," he said.
Ashok Chavan:
Reacting to the court's decision, Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan said he hoped penalty would be implemented soon.

Abdul Basit, Pakistan's Foreign Office spokesman:
Pakistan has reacted in a guarded manner to the death sentence handed down to its national Ajmal Kasab, saying its legal experts would study the detailed judgement. "We have seen in India the reported judgement on Ajmal Kasab and the sentence has been pronounced today. You will appreciate that our legal experts need to go through the detailed judgement," Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said.
Sandeep Unnikrishnan's father K Unnikrishnan:
Minutes after hearing that Kasab had been sentenced to death, K Unnikrishnan shared his reaction with NDTV. It's not about vengeance, he said. His son, Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, was among the commandos who died protecting Mumbai from Ajmal Kasab and the nine other Pakistani terrorists who carried out the attacks of 26/11.