AURPGCET Hall tickets | AURPGCET 2010 Hall tickets

AURPGCET 2010 from May 16 to 21 ........
Andhra University AURPGCET 2010 will be held from May 16 to 21. AURPGCET 2010 Hall tickets will be sent to the candidates soon and the time table and hall ticket numbers are being posted on the AU website for the information of the candidates. If the hall ticket is not received the Chief Superintendent of the test center concerned has to be contacted one day before the test. The hall ticket can be obtained by paying the dues if any. The cash receipt has to be produced along with the hall ticket in the examination hall.
If a candidate has not been allotted hall ticket number, he or she has to contact the DOA office immediately and in case the hall ticket number is on the website but the hall ticket is not received by May 12, the candidate has to contact the DOA office 0891 2573441 or 2706928 here at least two days before the examination or the Chief Superintendent of the examination center concerned one day before the test. Physically challenged candidates seeking the services of a scribe have to inform the Chief Superintendent of the examination center in advance. Tests to be conducted only in Visakhapatnam.